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Social dynamics is a term stemmed from the idea of the change in the behaviour of an individual due the influence of those around him in a group. The key point to take away from this topic is that it is truly a dynamic, meaning it’s active and changes with the environment that we place ourselves in. For example, I will act differently when I am out hanging out with my friends on a day compared to how I would act with my parents and their friends on the same day.  These are two completely different groups of individuals that I would have to change my communication skills for depending on the situation.



Understanding social dynamics is extremely important in our daily lives, especially if we are constantly in communication with others for career purposes, other professional settings, and even interviews! 

It will be essential to take social dynamics into consideration because you want to look skilled, impressive, and adaptable with how you communicate in different types of settings and with different types of people. Knowing about social dynamics and communication skills is important to recognize because you will be aware that there are changes in the ways that groups communicate, which ultimately affects how you will interact with the group as well.



In an environment that is constantly and rapidly changing, social dynamics and communication skills form an imperative part of it. Effective communication skill can pave way to showcase and present our knowledge everywhere. By constantly interacting with varied people around us, we can identify happenings around the society and the world we live in. Thus, while concluding, I would like to mention that in order to sustain the social dynamics of the society, 

 For success in any field or in any organization, listening is a top skill that forms an essential part. If you are a good listener, you can be the part of that dream of success. In every scenario, having good listening skills are sure to come in handy, as you will truly listen to what other people say. Based on these suggestions, you can work towards improving your career!


There are mainly two types of social dynamics


Physical dynamic:

By physical progress we mean the progress in outward living conditions, like housing, agricultural and industrial production etc.


 Intellectual dynamic:

By intellectual progress we understand the processes of social cohesion and social disintegration; and also the forces which lead to social disruption 

Among the most common forms of social interaction are exchange, competition, conflict, cooperation, and accommodation. These five types of interaction take place in societies throughout the world.

American writer Dale Carnegie famously said, “There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave and the one you wished you gave.” His words are the testament to the importance of speaking skills when it comes to communication. Effective speaking has the power to change history, whether it is to turn the tide of war, or announce the independence of a nation. Effective speaking has the power of influencing people in a such powerful way that in this modern age people use it to launch iconic products, or even saving a company from bankruptcy through advertisements.

The right emphasis on the right words, perfect gestures, and voice modulation can change people’s mindset and also spur them into a cause. A common misconception of people is that effective speaking is a natural talent, and the people who don’t have it can’t influence people. But this is not true! Anyone can learn public speaking, what it needs is practice. People who don’t practice may not be able to speak in public, even if they have that talent.

You can’t take speaking skills lightly, no matter how talented you are. If you speak with conviction and passion, it will help the audience relate to you, believe in you, and remember you.

There are three main aspects of effective speaking:

1)      Vocabulary

2)      Voice

3)      Non verbal

Language is an integral part of public speaking. The words you use must suit the purpose and connect with audience. For example – the words you use while talking to a friend are different than what you use while talking to a teacher. Also, the length of the sentences matters a lot and show the depth of the speaker. For example – when captain America says “Avengers assemble” it became very popular at once, but had he said “Avengers, gather around me” it may not have been that catchy.

Another aspect of speaking skill in communication that is often ignored is your voice. It includes pitch, tone, and strength. How you speak signals your emotional state.

A low voice and too many pauses could denote hesitation. Clarity and volume could denote confidence. A strong and confident tone portrays conviction. People believe what you say when you deliver it in a strong voice.

Public speaking requires practice. You might be quite comfortable talking to small groups or in informal settings. But that is not the same as addressing a large crowd, which is why practice and rehearsals matter.

The final aspect of speaking skills is not about speaking at all. Nonverbal communication consists of body language. It includes facial expression, posture, eye contact, and hand gestures. Your body language must match your words for your address to be effective.

Blog written in collaboration with



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