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What if women were the dominant gender?

What if women were given the responsibility to earn money and men were given the household duty? Well, when you think about it, you will realize that most of the things will be the same, but the changes would be huge. For example, if we were the dominant gender, then maybe girls will have the aura of working around her as she has to be the one who may be the sole one to earn in the future. Also, girls won't be sent off after marriage, it would be boys who would be sent off. But if you think about it, then you will also notice that discrimination will not be eliminated either. People will be discriminated against. If boys won't be given the upper hand, then girls will. The thing is that being the dominant gender doesn't cover the fact that the other gender would be living in its shadow. What would generally happen is that the men will still be competing women and will still be given the hard labour. The only difference will be that a woman would be assigning him that job and will be managing the duties. In the present misogynistic culture, men think that they are supreme as they do all the work. But in this hypothetical female chauvinistic culture, women will say they are in charge as they will allocate work to men. The present circumstances are the same, just the perception is changed.  The supremacy of women, will not be a surprise as they will be expected to take charge. Domestic violence against women won't go entirely but it will be noticeably absent as a cultural norm.

Much otherwise is likely to remain the same.

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